Thursday, August 25, 2011

20 on the 20th = DONE

6 more weeks left - AGAIN. I miss calculated last week. Training is going alright. I ran Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday last week. Discovered sprinting, as good as if feels at the time, is not good for my knee right now :( Sadly I think I will have to cut all the speed work outs out of my training. I sprinted Tuesday and it felt AWESOME, but then my knee was really sore Wednesday.... So I better not do that. Monday was a really fun 4mile trail run, I liked that. we went to sliver springs after work and ran in the woods and by the river and lakes. I wore my Newton shoes, they rock, however I don't think my knee likes them - could have just been the sprinting though. Nothing really eventfull happned on the runs. Thursday we were going to run, but Debi and I and Jer all decided not to because we were hurting a little and needed to be good by Saturday. Debi and I biked Thursday, that was fun. Friday I pretty much rested exept for of course riding horses and mowing the lawn and walking Matilda.... I guess I didn't rest too much.

I did eat good though. Managed 70% carbs for the day and about 80oz of water. I thought I was going to have a good run and felt fairly Prepared mentally. I slept ok and got up at 4:08am. Ate 2 pieces of toast one with peanut butter and one with honey, and half a bannana. We left Jers at 4:50 and started out at the canal around 5:45 I think. I didn't feel that great the whole way. it was about 70 degrees with 90% humidity. we stashed water at mile 5 - turned around at mile 10. Jer picked up the pace and I tried to keep up. I couldn't breath - my chest felt tight, I felt exhosted. at mile 16 I got Debi to go ahead and I walked 0.1 mile out of each mile after that. I made it but my average pace was around 10:30. HORRIBLE, but I made it. I was so tired... We met people who were training for the chicago - one of them had run MN and said he didn't think the hills were that bad - maybe he repressed the memorie, I don't know.

We were about ready to pack up when the girl we had met came running up that someone needed to call 911 because their friend had passed out. Jer called and they very impressiveally came in about 4 minutes. The guy had gotten up by then and was down in the parking lot. He ended up being ok but I heard the emergancy crew say that the previous week they had a call and couldn't get the guy to wake up. sounded like he died, but I don't know for sure.

Learned: Don't freze the water bottle you intend to carry in your hand.... No matter how hot it is, it starts to freze your hand.

Plan to run fast when Debi has new music

Its really awkward to have your Gynecologist/Doctor ask you about all your running rub marks

Sleep, Nutrition & quality work outs matter in a marathon training plan - in that order.

Corn fields are your friend

Make sure you dethaw your frozen fish before you put it in the oven - Otherwise the middle is sushi

Sweet Potatoes are good mashed

When making Lasagna make sure to add eough sauce on top of ALL noodle layers. If you don't they stay crispy - and that's just no good.

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