Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The LONG run

The 22 is over! That makes me happy.Last weeks runs went like this - Tuesday 6.6 @ 8:36 pace - Wednesday 7.05 @ 8.35pace at my parents house after work in Sandwich - Thursday was a 5 mile lunch break run - Deb texted she wasn't going so I couldn't get up, figured I'd do something productive on lunch.. Didn't really enjoy coming back all sweaty, but oh well.... it was close to the end of the day. Friday was 6.4 @ 8:36 pace. Went to run with boot camp but they didn't leave on time so we headed out... Matt caught up with us and ruined our "easy" run because of course we decided to keep up with him after that...
Foggy sun coming up (Debi Haas)

Photo by Debi Haas
Friday I was very bad. I stayed up till 4am and drank quite a lot more wine than was really necessary. I didn't feel too good Saturday - I took a nap later in the day, drank lots of water and was a little worried about my long run the next day.... Also a little upset with my self for doing that so close to the longest run...I ate a big plate of my lasagna and some french bread prepped my  running stuff and went to bed around 9pm. I was up at 4:30 - had a peanut better and jellie sandwich and headed over to Debs. It was around 54 degrees, COLD. I wanted to go back to bed SO bad. I wore my Newton shoes which now have around 100 miles on them (LOVE THOSE SHOES!!! NEED MORE!!!) We headed out from Debs house running down Eldamain road around 5:45. I was cold to start off with of course. We were at about a 10 min per mile pace which I thought was too slow, but didn't want to leave Jer yet.... We got to river road, then to Ben and left on Fox road by Silver springs. The first water stop Deb had dropped for us the night before. I didn't need much. I had my endurance fuel and gummys and one jel that I ended up not eating (or slurping... what ever you do with those things) I filled up one bottle and we headed out again. all the way to high pint, then down to Bud road to the next water stop that no one needed so we didn't stop. It was a little foggy out, but finally light.
Photo By Debi Haas

We went all the way down bud road and then through Milbook. That was a long road, my least favorite part of the run. Next water stop... Still didn't need much. Felt good so far... We picked up the pace to about 9:30's at this point. Crossed the bridge, up the hill and took the first left down a LONG gravel road. finally we got to Sheridan Black top, the home stretch. we were at mile 18, the miles started getting longer. My hip flexors started hurting, my feet arches felt like they were clasping. I had music on, but I don't remember listening to it. We had started counting cans.... I think Busch Light ended up winning for the most cans on the road. The things I thought about on those last 2 painful miles... I don't know what it was I was thinking about, but I remember thinking that it was weird I was thinking it... Finally we got to 45th road... too bad we missed a turn and still and 1.5 miles left. We had to go down a little road and come back then very sadly go past my parents house, ALL the way to the top of the hill and back... and finally my watch beeped and showed me the time for my last mile of the run.
Suns finally up - Bud road (Debi Haas)

I really enjoyed my smoothie - I had one last week and froze half for the 22 - it dethawed nicely and was quite satisfying.

My Brother In-Law drive us back to Deb and his house - THen on the way home I stopped by the gas station for coffee and ice.... When I walked in the doughnuts smelled SOOOO good I just had to buy one. After my ice bath and coffee I had plenty of energy. I decided to do laundry and clean the house....  It did catch up to me later that night after I wolfed down pizza so fast I burned the roof of my mouth - that hurt. then I was really tired and could barley keep my eyes open.
I did not feel guilty.


The next day I felt like I had a hang over. I was so tired and pretty stiff. My
Final time
lower body felt a little like a truck had ran it over. but nothing hurt too bad, or like I pulled or strained anything, so I was happy about that.

After this run i'm feeling pretty confidant about the marathon. If the weather is good - I think i'll make it!
Sunrise from another day (Debi Haas)

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