I can't believe that it's September already and we only have 4 weeks left to train. One hard week - this one. then we taper down to prepare for the race. Pretty exiting. I better put together a list soon!
Last week went pretty good - Monday we ran from my house at 5:30am - YUCK. It's been SOOOOO hard getting up in the morning - I just want to sleep all day, but when I have that option I don't have too much trouble getting up. Anyhow - it was pretty warm still - we did 6.5 down to Ben street past all the Super Man set security (i'm so sick of them!) then down to river, up Black hawk hill and back on hale. pace @ 8.28 - not bad for the heat - i'm glad my normal easy pace is pretty much back.
Tuesday I couldn't drag myself out of bed and then deb decided to skip too - like I said, it's just hard getting up! I did go for a 2 mile run with Matilda. She was not a fan and kept lagging farther and farther behind. I know she has plenty of energy because she had no problem running around my yard afterwards, but she just dosen't like running to just run, it has to be fun - my type of running is too much work. Lazy dog. We rounded the super man set which was quite blocked off only to find a rather large crowd of people gawking at the 3 helicopters flying around. "Wow - LOOK - what is that?!?!?!?! I think I will watch it all night because I have nothing better to do!" I don't get the fascination people have with the movie - I want to see it but spending hours standing next to a fence you can't see through hoping for a gimps of something seems a little silly.
Wednesday: Ran at 4:30 from Debs - Big loopl she was still sleeping when I came over. wanted to do speed, felt tired. and hungry. and thirsty. knee and shin hurt a little. I can just feel my knee swell - it feels "floppy" kinda. not bad. but I need to do more core work outs. I'm just so tired these days.....Pace 7 miles @ 8.44
Thursday: Knee hurts a little, shin hurts a little. no worse I don't think. did back excersises, going to do more. it was 70 degrees and humid. very humid. I was SO sweaty it was gross. Yesterday I ate Kashi cereal for breakfast - regular snacks - sandwich for lunch, baked fries, brownies and a chicken sausage wrap for dinner. felt pretty fueled, just hot and hard to breath. 6.5 same route as Monday @ 8:44 pace
Friday I "rested" but I did mow the grass -
Went to bed early :( No wine for me.
Saturday I picked deb up and we headed over to meet Jer at the Gillman trail in Sugar grove. I thought it was going to be really hot, but it was not as bad as I thought it would. we re scheduled our 22 mile run for this week because of what we thought the weather would be - as it was I think we could have done it, however I read some stuff that says that the longest run should be 3 weeks before the marathon, so this way it will be - AND we'll do it on a sunday and the marathon is on a sunday. So it'll work out just fine I think although I wish it was already done. I decided to go shirtless and my waterbelt ended up tearing me up pretty good. I dropped a bottle of water at about mile 3 - I didn't use any gummys, just endurance fuel - I felt fine. Good actually we did 15 miles @ 9:30ish pace. All of us together the whole time. That hasen't happened in a while. I think I might have been able to keep it up for 5 more miles at that pace - if the weather is good im going to try to do that for the 22. I had a PP&J sandwich before the run
and I have a new running recipe for you!
Smoothie: One package of silk Tofu all blended together with milk, Cherrys, strawberrys (both frozen) Some honey, and whey protein dry mix. I put it all in 2 containers and I will have the other one this sunday - not sure how it will deThaw, but only one way to find out. I like the Slik Tofu - it added some thickness to it. The smoothies did however make my freezer not freeze, so it was on all night bowling ice all over all of my food - so I will be more careful about that.
The next day we went rock climbing for 5 hours - we were a little sore the next day.
To sum it up for this week I think I have learned not to stress about time when it's hot - or at all right now - not for this marathon. I also learned to make time for strength training - you have to do more than just run, or at least I do, to minimize the risk of injury. Make sure your not going to wear a swim suite the next day after letting your water belt tear up your skin - I wish I had wore a shirt.
I guess that's about it.
I decided I am going to bring my camera with me on the marathon run. We talked to someone else who said that the race is really beautiful with rolling hills - I think that will be perfect for me - hill make it more interesting and make it so i'm less board.