Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the Horible after Christmas run

So, I guess the kind of calories you eat really does make a difference in your performance. After feasting on breakfast at Southern Bells with friends, then Christmas even dinner, then again on Christmas morning breakfast, then again on delicious pizza for dinner, then again for a neighborhood breakfast of pancakes, potatoes, eggs, bacon & ham... I headed out for a 9 mile run with my sister. Mind you, it was about 3 hours after breakfast, so that couldn't have caused a problem, however we both felt pretty awful. My Stomach hurt, I felt tired and lazy, the hills were horrible & I just felt very un motivated. Finally I was on the final stretch, I had to use the bathroom very badly at this point, adding to my discomfort -- then I got a direct puff of wind from the Mcdonalds I was running past. Now usually that would have made me hungry, french fries are what I smelled, and normally I LOVE french fries, however, on this occasion the small almost made me throw up. Finally I made it back and to the bathroom -- barely I may add. after that I stretched and drank water, then showered and took a nap and I was still feeling a little ill and extra tired. Oh the repercussions of Christmas feasting -- it's really a shame that I will never learn.

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