Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I've never liked running in heat

 This week was hot. Way hotter than it has been. We have had a very mild summer so far. Great running weather, but this week, August caught up to us. It was in the 70's even at 4:40am. Pretty lame when we were used to 60's even upper 50's. In fact I even got hives after a run one morning in August. I only get hives when it's cold out, I go running, and then I take a warm shower. Cold induced hives. Strange I know. Any way...
I was really discouraged from my race pretty much all week feeling bad about it and being hard on myself. Calling myself names like week and pathetic, a horrible runner... Sometimes I take it upon myself to be my own drill Sargent. hoping that if I insult myself enough i'll somehow shape up and be awesome, but it never works. It usually just makes me depressed and angry.Maybe I should try being nicer to myself...But then maybe myself should stop being a pathetic quitter at mile 10 of a half marathon... I suppose that race is in the bast now - just like the rest of them. I need to forgive myself and move on. Someday I WILL be good at racing. with 3 half marathons, 5 marathons, and 3 50k's I really think I should already be somewhat good at racing. But the fact is, i'm not, and that's just how it is. So onward I go into training. Like I was saying it was hot all week, this week our group split up, half of them went to run in Minooka on the I&M trail, and the rest of us went to starved rock. I was happy we choose Starved rock, we were all on the fence for a while... but it ended up being a hard hot run - we all ran out of water and struggled because of how hot and humid it was. We made it though, and it ended up being around 21 miles when we only needed 18... I figured it made up for all the walking we did. Mike ended up getting a really sore knee, and the rest of us used that as an excuse to walk more with him and not leave him behind... Turns out the other group had a really hard run as well, as did several others we heard from. It just was not a good running weekend I think...
This week i'm hoping to run better now that it is cooler. I ran 3 miles in chicago yesterday, it was really fun... I use to live in chicago and really enjoyed getting on the lake trail again. This morning Deb, Judah, myself and mike and Angela ran our 7.5 mile "kit rout" I named it that because we start from Mike and Angela's house, go straight down and then kind of doing a triangle, then come back the same way... Its a fun rout, and was a good run. I have a track work out or a hill work out this week, I forgot what... Almost looking forward to it.

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